Dressage News
"Rembrandt" Passed Away
legendary dressage horse Rembrandt passed away at the
age of 24 Tuesday October 30, 2001. Rembrandt's condition
deteriorated so badly the last few weeks so that he
was submitted to the veterinary hospital in Wattenscheid,
Germany. At the end he could no longer get up and Uphoff
decided to put him down.
Nicole Uphoff, owner, trainer and rider of this fabulous
horse, won in total 21 gold, 3 silver and 1 bronze medal
with this horse. The duo participated in the Olympic
Games of Seoul (1988), Barcelona (1992) and Atlanta
(by Romadour II x Angelo xx) was considered to be the
first version of the modern dressage horse due to his
lightness and classic training. Nicole Uphoff claimed
Olympic team and individual gold with him in Seoul at
the age of 22. She was the pioneer who created the era
of dressage competition dominated by female riders.
Isabell Werth and Anky van Grunsven followed Uphoff's
was unable to rise to stardom after she retired Rembrandt
in 1996. Hermann's Grand Gilbert, Freudentanzer, Relevant,
Rubinstein, none of these horses even moderately reflected
the capabilities of Rembrandt.
Rider in the
Spotlight: Nicole Uphoff
Uphoff and Borbet Rubinstein
Nicole Uphoff Leaves Gestut
Image copyrighted: Arnd Bronkhorst