A Walk on the Premises
Jane Kidd Meets Up with The Eilbergs
April 15, 2009 - Text courtesy Jane Kidd/British Dressage
Jane Kidd talks to the family with an extraordinary number of achievements to their credit
Respect that leads on to trust, discipline that enables them to
allow their horses to have fun, these are the key themes in
the training of the horses by the extraordinarily successful
Eilberg family. As I talked to the four very strong characters,
full of ideas and eager to express them in a very articulate manner, it
struck me that this was how they themselves operated too. Ferdi and
Geri and their children Maria and Michael kept up a flow of conversation
in which they all had their say, nobody argued, each reinforced or added
to the points made; there were no silences, no talking over others, and
lots of laughter; impulsion was maintained at all times.
Ferdi, a British European team silver medallist, winner at Aachen
and multi national champion said that they did have: “quite exciting
deep discussions but most of the time we are so busy there is no
time to get into conflict.”
Michael who won his first national title this year did add: “We do
have a system that when father talks we all have to sit up and listen.
When he is not here it’s down to the next person!”
Maria, a Young Rider team medallist, the reserve for this year’s Olympic
team and the first Eilberg to win the Grand Prix national title is not so
dominant as the two male competitors, but still gets her point across clearly.
Geri, Ferdi’s wife of 30 years has ridden in grand prix but her focus has
been on feeding, supporting and co-ordinator/manager to her family.
Different Approaches
Maria and Michael have developed as dressage riders in very different ways.
Maria turned to it at a very early age when her pony was not sound enough
for eventing. Michael has only just come round to it and as his father said:
“His mind was too wild for dressage so he went jumping.” Geri added: “It
gives you a good feel for natural balance to go jumping and then you do not
mind if young horses spook or buck.” However even though he was not
doing competitive dressage as Ferdi said: “He would have been out of place
here if he did not get his pony on the bit.” Michael added: “I have been in
the right environment from the start. The dressage was natural for me and
I did not have to think about it.” That is the key advantage to those like the
Eilbergs, the Bechtolsheimers and Woodheads that are born into a family
with a passion for dressage, they learn by imitating rather than being told.
Adapting to the Talent
Another Eilberg philosophy is to develop the talents whatever they might
be, hence Michael’s Torino jumped successfully for two seasons but was quickly converted to dressage as he got stronger and his paces developed.
The Eilbergs like to jump all their young horses and often to start them in
the jumping arena rather than asking for a test. Ferdi explained: “ We like
to get them into the atmosphere of a show without having to impose too
much discipline and composure. They can let their spirit out in the
jumping. You do not have to make such an issue of any naughtiness, like
you have to in dressage. They can express themselves in the manner of
a young horse. There is a drawback as Michael pointed out: “Riders have
to be good enough to cope.” But no problem amongst the Eilbergs,
Michael is fearless and a well trained show jumper.
Accepting Criticism
Nowadays however it is the flat work that dominates at their Pink Green Farm
and a key element of this is feedback both from the horse and from the
ground. Ferdi said: “More and more I am taking opinions from Maria and
Michael. I am quite open, all for what works and gives me the right results.
With Maria and Michael it is an interaction, when they ride I give my opinion and vice versa. It helps to pick up problems early
on. Nothing gets swept under the carpet.”
Ferdi admitted that there used to be clashes
and Geri said: “When Michael started riding
nobody could tell him anything. He would not
go on a leading rein so he had to learn by
experience. He would leave his pony "parked" in
the back hall in the house! Maria had rather a
different attitude to her brother: ‘I like to have
someone with me and helping me’ - she learnt
by listening and enjoyed instruction. Ferdi said;
“We have been working together intensively for
quite a few years now.”
The Supporter
But the important person in the early years was
Geri. “Ferdi was busy and he left it to me to take
them to the Pony Club. For me the main thing
was for them to have fun, jump and enjoy their
ponies. The Pony Club formed them in the
early stages.” But Maria was single minded and
very determined. She once went up to her
father and said: “Do I have to book a lesson to
work with you!” Ferdi remembers too that
having watched him working closely she started
to give her Shetland pony in-hand work.
At the same age Michael gained experience
hunting and generally being rather a cowboy on his
rather cheeky 12.2hh.
As he got older it was Geri
who took him off to the jumping shows. Geri said: “Often I would be driving in with Michael as Ferdi
was going out with Maria. We hardly saw each
other!” Michael went on to work with Tim
Stockdale and rode 10 or 12 horses a day. He
pointed out: “It is very important to sit on good
horses, to learn how to be sensitive. But it is also
important to ride horses that do not always do what
is wanted. You have got to get to know whether to
reprimand or give them more confidence.” And
that is when Ferdi made that important statement:
“You have to get them to respect you enough that
they can learn to trust you.”
Michael had his version: “There are two
sides to performing well – a mixture of fun so
the horse enjoys his work and of discipline so
they know what to do. I grew up seeing the
discipline in Ferdi’s work.”
There is another brother: Luke. He was away
at Staffordshire University studying sports
technology when I visited. He gave up riding
competitively at 16 wanting more time for other
sporting interests but as Maria pointed out: “He
understands horses and knows what to do on
the yard so is always being roped in to help.”
A Wide Range of Skills
The Eilberg yard reflects the pride, adaptability,
and discipline that they apply when riding their
horses. Over 25 years they have converted
what was a scrap metal yard into a highly
effective and smart equestrian centre. Ferdi is
a DIY husband having completed much of the
carpentry work. Also, many of the ideas that
help the smooth and efficient running of the
centre are his.
His latest pride and joy is a
system of collecting the manure which reduces
the effort and time involved, and makes it
easier to maintain the pristine conditions of the
centre. The inventiveness and attention to
detail which are features of his training are
apparent everywhere.
A Neglected Source of Horsepower
A lean-to with sand pens where youngstock can
live and play is in the making. Ferdi knows that
to keep his talented offspring well mounted he has to find horses when they are cheaper and
therefore younger. He is going to breed some
too, but he is also one of the first in Britain to
identify an important source of horsepower –
stock bred at British studs. The Woodlander stud
supplied Michael’s Shearwater Champion
"Woodlander Dornroschen" and Ferdi said: “The
studs can get their stock used to saddles, to
hacking out, but they cannot produce them
properly. The most important time for a horse is
between four and six years because that is when
you lay the foundations of contact, attitude,
confidence in their work. If that goes wrong they
can learn the tricks but it leaves them with a
basic deficiency.
“Every young horse has a natural forte and
deficiency. It is important to pick up early on the deficiencies and bring them up to scratch. Too
many in Britain work on the talents and then that
deficiency leads to the base falling out.”
That approach has meant they have an
extraordinarily high success rate in getting their
horses to the higher levels of dressage and jumping.
They do not do this in order to make
a profit out of selling for Geri said: “We have
had to sell some horses along the way but
many are here for life.” Their financial gains
come mainly from training and Ferdi has just
taken over the role of trainer to the Irish
eventers, the British Dressage Under 21s, -
more credits to be added to those of private
trainer to Olympic riders and national trainer to
the eventers, paralympics and dressage.
wants to offer our young riders more of what
has become available with World Class –
physios, health, sports psychology, and to go
on home visits. “I will try my best to get a real
team effort going, to develop a good
atmosphere and harmony within the team.”
Just as he has done with his family.
Text by Jane Kidd - www.britishdressage.co.uk
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