2010 Sunshine Tour

Italian Silvia Rizzo Obtains WEG Qualification Score in Spain

March 13, 2010

Silvia RizzoItalian Grand Prix rider Silvia Rizzo obtained her two 64% qualification scores for the 2010 World Equestrian Games at the first week of competition at the Sunshine Tour CDI in Spain.

The 2010 Sunshine Tour just started in its second show week after postponing the Sunday tests to Monday after extreme weather conditions last weekend. This way riders and their mounts were offered an opportunity to safely compete on the warm-up and show rings. With the sun shining and a cloudless sky it is now what the show is all about: high class performances under Spanish sun and the best training opportunities for riders to prepare their horses for the upcoming outdoor competition season.

Rizzo was contagiously happy after qualifying for the FEI World Equestrian Games 2010. Already in the first week of the Sunshine tour did she secure her ticket to Kentucky. The judges panel including O-judges Francis Veerbeck and Isabelle Judet honoured her performance with an over all 64,043%. For years Silvia Rizzo and her coach Michelle Betti have been loyal guests at the Sunshine Tour.

Before starting the Grand Prix Tour on Thursday the Organizing Committee decided to give these riders and horses a day off on Wednesday after the Grand Prix had been postponed until Monday. With the weather forecast promising some sunny, warm days during the second week of competition people can enjoy a relaxing day outside the venue and then start refreshed in the next CDI show weekend with the Grand Prix Special and Grand Prix Freestyle highlights to come up.

Source: Sunshine Tour

Related Links
Scores: 2010 Sunshine Tour - Week One
Brits Dominate First Week of 2010 Sunshine Tour CDI
The 2010 Sunshine Tour, a Top Event with International Flair
Photo Report - 2009 Sunshine Tour

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