2008 CDI-PJYR Weert
Youth Dressage Festival
Weert, The Netherlands
May 15-18, 2008
"On the Scene"
Show Photography
- Eurodressage photographer Astrid Appels
was on the scene taking pictures
of the riders at the CDI-PJYR Weert
- Classes - Riders photographed are:
- All riders competing in the CDI-P pony
- CDN Pony riders: Hougaard,
Oosterhof, Verkoijen, Verwimp
- CDI and CDN Junior and Young riders:
- Abberley, Anderson, Dahl Anderson,
Barr, Beekink, Blommers, Cho, Costrel,
Cousins, Faujour, Federspiel, Geerts, Henschen,
Hinchcliffe, Hjelm, Houwen, Huizer, Judet
Cheret, Kasprzak, Krasnik, Lion, Michaux,
Oosterhof, Orlof, Pignatti, Reija, Salman,
Schoots, Sliepenbeek, Szulc, Tonnaer, Van
Lanen, Van Mierlo, Van Silfhout J and D,
Ware, Weber, Wieczorek, Wiedeler, Wiktoria.
- If you are interested in seeing your photos and
ordering prints, send
us an email mentionung the rider's or horse's
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