Helen Langehanenberg knows to
impress with lightness, and her victory in the
5-year old Dressage Horse division with Fürst
was well-deserved


Brigitte Wittig -- Bertoli W |

Brigitte Wittig -- Bohigas W |

Cayenne W, bred by Wolfram Wittig, and ridden
by Susan Pape. Of course Cayenne entered the competition
as the favorite,
but the
mare became more and more tense,
and while during the first two tests,
she only let it out during the prize-giving ceremonies, the tension was
released during the canter tour of the final test. The trot was still
wonderfully elastic, though, and they placed fifth.

Brigitte Wittig and her student Kira Wulferding
watching Cayenne. |

The Danish Christine Möller used to work at Gestüt
Wiesenhof. Now she's riding Zenith, a five-year-old
by Monteverdi

After Hohenstein, his son Münchhausen is becoming
another Trakehner sire well liked by other warmblood
breeders: Birkhofs Meraldik
& Nicole Casper

Dr. Ulf Möller |

Möller and his daughter |
For the Möllers, the Bundeschampionate
were a family outing

Eva Möller and pony champion C-Dur

While Inga von Helldorff showed a textbook warm-up with
Damsey ...

... one could also see this right in the front
yard of the German Equestrian Federation in Warendorf |

Von Helldorff and Damsey in competition |

Dorothee Schneider & Famoso |

Katja Camp and the lovely Kasimir doing a training round --
unfortunately, the Trakehner injured himself in his stall half an hour
after these shots were taken, and the Championat was over for him
Jessica Süss is a young talent who has
already been featured here on Eurodressage because her own horse is a
Friesian stallion, whom she competes successfully at M and S level. In
Warendorf, she won the hearts of the crowds aboard Diamantenbörse, a
five-year-old Oldenburg mare owned by her employers, Louisa and Anna
Katharina Lüttgen's parents. From the ninth place in the final
qualification they marched right through to the bronze medal, and would
have done even better, had Jessica not had a slight case of nerves and
taken a wrong turn during the final. But her elegant style aboard this
light-footed horse was fun to watch, and Christoph Hess found wonderful
words of praise -- and regret about the mistake -- for her.

Two pairs that had many fans: Wolfhard Witte & Londontime
(left), Friederike Schulz-Wallner & In Flagranti
(above) |
Stephanie Jansen won team gold at the
European Championships in Necarne Castle aboard Dornik Double. In the
Junior division, she was Rhinish champion in 2004 on a sponsored horse
but at the same time bought Pretender, a Hannoverian by Prince Thatch x
Weltmeyer. She already made in to the BuCha finals with him last year,
but this year the now 19-year-old truly proved that if you have the
talent to "make" your own horse, the world doesn't end if you don't make
it as a Junior rider at once. Pretender is truly her horse, and the two
showed three harmonious and almost flawless tests that
were justly rewarded with the silver medal. Jan Nivelle coached both her
and Jessica Süss, and he was a very happy man.


Someone compared
Samira's performances at the Bundeschampionat
with Dulcia's, and given
the overall quality of the German dressage ponies,
I thought that's a beautiful compliment that
sums it up nicely. You could have heard a pin
-- or
even a piece of
paper -- drop during Bärbel Förster-Henrich's final ride on this gorgeously
elastic dancer, and those who were there got the feeling that they were watching
history in the making. Let's hope that this horse will find a good home and
an equally sensitive rider now! |

Wiebke Schumacher (daughter of Samira's breeder)
and her lucky frog. |

Michael Ripploh, Master of Ceremonies at the Bundeschampionate |

Despite her packed schedule, Jana Freund looked very happy
and relaxed in the saddle of the wonderfully elegant FS La Noir (the
canter photo is from the "Fremdreitertest", where the mare continued to
show her quality undisturbed)

Casper & Birkhofs Denario |

Anna-Sophie Fiebelkorn & Benetton

Helen Langehanenberg and Silberaster OLD.
Silberaster's repeated
misbehavior when someone tried to handle her from the ground was the
talk of the Bundeschampionat. One tends to forget this once she starts
moving, though.
Riding Ponies and Dressage Ponies |
Last year's European Pony Team Champion Annabel
Frenzen (like Lydia Camp) had five ponies qualified and made it into the
respective finals with all five. Christoph Hess complimented her on her
talent to adjust to the different ponies and to steer them very
skilfully. The palomino is Der Harlekin B. Annabel also had her own
cheerleaders' squad.

Der Harlekin B |

Frenzen on Top Karetino

Annabel aboard the champion of a five-year-olds,
a Westfalian mare with the somewhat gruesome
name Nip Tuck |

Annabel and MacDuncan |

Mali de Sainte Fare & Doubtless (6-year old Champions)

Don Juan is a full brother to Dornik Double. He has been sold to
Italy. Under Lydia Camp, he showed beautiful movements and much
potential but his contact with the bit was very inconstistent

Leah Bröckmann & My Little
Silver, |

Schulmerig & Der Schlaue Fuchs

Michelle Schulmerig & Vice Champion Der schlaue
Fuchs |

Florine Kienbaum & Donnertraum |

German national coach
Conny Endres had lots of fun watching the pairs she'll be able to choose
from in the next couple of years. Endres flanked by Carlotta Hassenburger

Jana Freund & Noir de Luxe |

Geertje Hesse and Der Kleine Prints |
Hesse, who rides for Ton de Ridder's stable,
with Der kleine Prints, who changed hands for
50,000 Euros at the
premiere of the CHIO auction this summer and now moved on to
Bundeschampion of the 4-yr-old pony stallions |

Geertje also presented the vice champion of the 4-yr-old pony
stallions, Ghost by Going Top |

4-yr-old pony stallions, bronze medalist FS Dior de Luxe with
Chiara Jansen |

The weather was not always great |