2006 World Championships for Young Dressage Horses
Austrian Nominations for the 2006 WCYH in Verden
July 7, 2006
The Austrian Equestrian Federation (FENA) has nominated three combinations for participation in the 2006 World Championships for Young Dressage Horses in Verden, Germany, August 3-6, 2006. The following combinations have been selected by FENA:
5-year olds
- Bartlgut's Duncan
Bay Austrian warmblood stallion
- by De Niro out of Toscana (by Coriograf)
Rider: Ulrike Prunthaller
Owner: Edda Schmidt
- Flagranti
Liver chestnut Westfalian stallion - by Fidermark out of Windspiel (by Weltmeyer)
Rider: Belinda Weinbauer
Owner: Marianne Jerich
6-year olds
- Moosbachhof's Fit for Fun (pictured)
Dark bay Oldenburg stallion
- Florestan out of Rosenresli (Rubinstein x World Cup)
Rider: Stefan Peter
Owner: Petra Wiesenberger
Photo copyrighted: Pferdeportal
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