Dressage at Devon
25 - 30 September 2001
Journal -- "The Way to Devon"
Thursday September 20, 2001 -- Getting ready for
the road
I woke up between 7 and 8 AM, abruptly ending a dream
which could have last longer at least 30 minutes, in
my opinion. It's strange because Mary told me that she
too has been dreaming a lot lately but then of the New
York City bombing. When I got up, Mary and JJ were out
because the truck had to be checked in order to get
ready for 3 weeks on the road pulling a huge 33 feet
Alpenlite camper. I ate a mango for breakfast and decided
to do the dishes. It took me a while to get the whole
kitchen cleaned up and then I got myself behind the
computer and worked on some more FEI press releases.
Ken got in round 9 AM. Mary worked together with him
on installing the portable CD Writer, while I was busy
with typing up the Devon officials' biographies. We
stayed home today. JJ got the camper ready for tomorrow.
I searched for Christine Traurig photos for a special
order which had to be done before we left. Mary took
over the scanning while I wrote a little more for this
computer diary. We both watched some Friends and later
on I printed the Traurig index sheets. We saw president
Bush's speech late at night just before turning in.
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