German Young Horse Championships
2000 Bundeschampionate in Warendorf
ever changing weather conditions, once sunshine, once
pouring rain, the 2000 Bundeschampionate gathered an
absolute top quality lot of dressage horses on the final
closing day, Sunday September 3rd, 2000. Although the
sky was filled with small precipitations over four days
of competition, visitors flooded the Warendorf Equestrian
center to see the most exciting German dressage show
of the year. The three and four-year-olds run the "Riding"
Horse or "Riding" Pony classes, as their future discipline
is still considered to be undetermined. Most of these
youngsters will become dressage horses later on, but
the classes are called that way to prevent discussion.
The three-year-olds are presented under saddle in all
three gaits, and have to show their conformation, unsaddled.
In the finals, two guest riders try out the top horses
and give them a final mark, which is added up to the
qualifying score and determines the winners.
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