2006 End-of the Year Questions

December 25, 2006

Reactions to the 2006 End-of-the Year Questions from

Joep Bartels
The Netherlands - Director Academy Bartels, project manager Rabobank Talentplan, creator of the World Cup, former journalist.
Most important event in your equestrian life in 2006? All dressage fans will probably mention the WEG in Aken. As a member of the press team I had the privilege to share a unique 14 days of unforgettable equestrian sport in Aken. The absolute highlight for me was the evening of the kür to music. Having been the World Cup director for almost 20 years, I still feel the kür as ‘my step baby’. The 50.000 spectators, the atmosphere, and the 8th position of my ‘real child’ Imke made this evening into a unique experience. At the Global Dressage Forum I enjoyed the evaluation of Aachen and the start of open and honoust discussions among dressage insiders.  
Most important happening, evolution or trend in the world in 2006? A very slow but clear change in the attitude towards nature, climat and animals.  
Best and worst tv and radio show I especially liked the coverage of the Tour de France (I am a cycling fan), and disliked reality tv and horror movies
Best book, play, concert, movie and CD My favourite book of 2005/2006 is ‘Blink’ by Malcolm Gladwell and the books by Andrew McLean, which inspired my wife Tineke and me, in writing the last chapters of our new book ‘from conscious to unconscious horse riding’, that was published in September. Music that really moved me is Imke’s new kür to music, composed and played by master-pianist Wibi Soerjadi.
What would you like to see changed in the dressage world in 2007? A lot! Young talents beating the oldies in Grand Prix, more discussion among trainers, judges and riders, the revival of the Dressage Nations Cup, better prize money, new dressage countries threatening Germany and Holland.
What do you wish for in 2007?
A good health and happiness for all of you…  
Evi Strasser
Canada - Canadian WEG Dressage Team Member
Most important event in your equestrian life in 2006? Most memorable will be in my career the World Championship in Aachen, which was the best venue and show I have ridden at. The crowd was just super, the stabling and management was top. I will never forget it. I'm so proud of Quantum Tyme, he is a star...I love him
Most important happening, evolution or trend in the world in 2006? Global warming it is a real problem in the future..
Best and worst tv and radio show My favourite is Holmes on homes...otherwise i'm not watching TV
Best book, play, concert, movie and CD I love Katie Meluah and the Christmas songs from Celine Dion.
My favourite movie this year is "The Holiday" with Cameron Diaz and Jude Law, just great
What would you like to see changed in the dressage world in 2007? Fairness in the sport...
What do you wish for in 2007?
Health, happiness and peace in the world...  
Claudia Montanari
Italy - Italian WEG Dressage Team member
Most important event in your equestrian life in 2006? The World Equestrian Games in Aachen
Most important happening, evolution or trend in the world in 2006? Football World Championships (only because we have won!!) 
Best and worst tv and radio show I don't see too much Tv but " Lost" is fantastic!
Best book, play, concert, movie and CD Book: A Song of Ice and Fire by George R.R. Martin
Concert : Iron Maiden
CD: Blind Guardian's A twist in the myth
What would you like to see changed in the dressage world in 2007? My percentages.
What do you wish for in 2007?
Fortune and health for me,my parents,friends and horses
Arnd Bronkhorst
The Netherlans - International Equestrian Photographer
Most important event in your equestrian life in 2006?   Aachen, no doubt. What else? The whole area should just be covered, with sauna's installed for the photographers.
Most important happening, evolution or trend in the world in 2006? A boring answer, but inevitably: Global warming. The only good thing could be that Aachen would be warm and dry one year. Another worrying issue is the ever growing polarization between people and peoples, and the way this is exploited by politicians. And we let it all happen.
Best and worst tv and radio show I don't watch that much TV, but the BBC has lots of great programs. "Planet Earth" and [forget my answer to the previous question] "Top Gear". The worst is 90%, but we as a whole apparently want it.
Best book, play, concert, movie and CD I always seem to be a little [or a lot] behind trends, so: Dolly Parton, and obviously everything by Frank Zappa.
Movie: Borat and I am a sucker for Clint Eastwood movies [Unforgiven, Million Dollar Baby] and Aardman movies.
Book: Al Gore's book "An inconvenient truth".
DVD: Apocalypse Now Redux, the directors cut.
My memory is non-existent, so the other stuff I forgot, but there must be more. .
What would you like to see changed in the dressage world in 2007? I'd like to see the total recognition that this is a very subjective sport. Quality is defined in a zillion different ways, and the sport should have a much more open approach to the difficulties of determining the defining qualities of a winning test. Make it transparent for spectators, competitors and judges, show that there can be doubts, look at other sports that have dealt with this issue in their own ways, and tell everybody that this is an ongoing process, that mistakes can and will be made, but that this is all for the improvement of the sport. Not just once a year somewhere in Brabant, though that is a great start, but everywhere, all year round, structurally, officially. Show the world that you are working hard on it. Have no fear.
What do you wish for in 2007?
That we actually learn something from history. I can't believe that history keeps repeating itself, and not just old, old history, but history as recent as a few years back as well!
Deborah Hausman
USA - Owner of European bronze medal winning show jumper BCM Nassau (under Jeroen Dubbeldam) and avid dressage rider, benefactor and enthusiast.
Most important event in your equestrian life in 2006? First being an owner of the stallion Nassau and in Holland to accept his Horse of the Year award. Standing in the arena with the sound of thousands of people on their feet applauding your horse is quite special.
Second, competing in the PAVO Cup. It was the first time as an equestrian that I was able to compete Internationally. I am completely addictied to the YH programs and the Pavo Cup is one of the best in the world. It is not a sterile environment as most events in the US.  
Most important happening, evolution or trend in the world in 2006? The dramatic changes and discoveries in alternative medicine and nutrition is producing so much hope for our horses.
Best and worst tv and radio show If I have time for TV I watch the Food channel or anything that makes me laugh. My second passion to horses is cooking. The worst is the daily news. The world frightens me right now.
Best book, play, concert, movie and CD I collect cookbooks so when a famous resturantuer in Holland gave me a very limited chefs book I found myself facinated by the history of cooking in Holland.
Madonna's "Confessions" concert in London. She is a vocal athlete.
What would you like to see changed in the dressage world in 2007? I am pretty happy how our industry is progressing. I see people really trying. The Global Dressage Forum was monumental for me and debate and discussion is how we create and reslove. As far as changes, well I wish that the shows in America were not so sterile. We tend to close off distractions and turn down the sound which makes it so much easier for our horses to focus on that one thing. I believe we need to trust our horses more. Just let the natural noises and obsticles occur.
What do you wish for in 2007?
For everyone to enjoy and embrace their religions without criticism and hatred towards others that may disagree.

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