Eurodressage Cover Story
Laminitis: Do Your Own Research
Much has been written and published about this topic. In this article I tried to focus on stimulating the curiosity of the horse owner to continue to research this on their own so that they are prepared should they be confronted with this disease. There are many articles, books, symposiums, etc. available for you to educate yourself. In addition, you must be an advocate for your horse and try to surround yourself with knowledgeable professionals who are willing, ready, and able to do whatever it takes for successful treatment of your horse.
I am writing this article from the point of view of a farrier who has dealt with many cases of laminitis. In many cases horses have suffered greatly because of our lack of common sense and basic knowledge. I believe that in some instances, the outcome of these cases could have been positive rather than negative if the owners had been well informed and ready to act at the initial onset of this disease, enabling them to assemble the best team and course of action to treat their horse. Ultimately, we as horse owners have the responsibility to educate ourselves so that we can better manage our horse's care. As a horse lover and advocate for the welfare of the horse, I hope that this article will benefit both the reader and the horse.
Article by farrier Alain Seheut
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