Eurodressage Cover Story
Laminitis: A Serious Threat to your Horse with the Potential to Cripple and Kill
By Alain Pierre Seheut
In my eighteen years of experience as a farrier, I have seen many cases of Laminitis. Seeing a horse suffer from the terrible pain that goes along with this disease is one of the most difficult things that I have dealt with in my career. The purpose of this article is to help make the reader aware of the seriousness of this disease and its potential to be not only a crippling disease, but a life threatening disease. I hope to familiarize you with this tragic disease, some of its causes, and some ways to prevent your horse from falling victim to laminitis.
One of the reasons we all love horses is because of their beauty in motion. The elegance and supple grace of the horse is dependent on the strength and structural integrity of their feet. When your horse shows early signs of lameness, it is important to keep in mind that laminitis could be responsible. If laminitis is suspected, it is extremely important to not only have your veterinarian involved in the early treatment, but also your farrier. They should work as a team. When caught early, laminitis can be treated quite successfully.
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