Sven Rothenberger not suing NHS
dressage rider Sven Rothenberger decides not to sue
the NHS (Dutch Equestrian Federation) for being kept
out of the European Championships' selection by chef
d'Equipe Jurgen Koschel. He withdrew this decision as
he had no intention of harming his fellow team members.
By sending a letter to the NHS, he wants to point at
the fact that the complete selection of the Dutch dressage
team is in hands of one man: Koschel. "It's is my right
to do so," explained Rothenberger ",there was only one
selection show announced and that was the Dutch Dressage
Championship, where I won the most important team championship
test. But apparently the tournament in Aachen counted
as an extra qualifier.
The chef d'equipe deemed it not necessary for me to
enter the show so I didn't compete. It's ridiculous
that the entire selection depends on the decision of
one man. It smells like dictatorship and dependence."
Koschel claims that facts (Rothenberger's victory at
the championship) are not the only measure for a qualification.
"It's the same thing as letting a computer program decide
who can go and who can't. My personal impression and
the condition of the horses at Nijmegen helped me to
select Anky with Bonfire, Arjen with Goliath, Ellen
with Silvano and Coby with Ferro."
This was reported in the Algemeen Dagblad in Holland
Picture copyrighted Mary
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