Véronique de Baecker, adversary to take into
saw it coming during the 1999 show season and what was
expected -- hoped -- seems to be turning into reality.
Belgian Young Rider Véronique de Baecker has
initiated her breakaway, storming right to the European
top on the Young Riders' scene. The new year has only
been well on its way for three weeks or De Baecker captured
the laurel at the CD Recklinghausen event in Germany
where she defeated European Junior Rider Champion Nicole
Giesen and the 1999 Young Riders' Team gold medallists.
With 72% in the preliminary De Baecker has proven that
she can ride international scores, abroad.
With Recklinghausen as warm-up, her success tour continued
at the international Euro-Future-Cup in Munster, Germany.
A 66.56 percentage as starting score in the preliminary
(8th position) was immediately boosted up to a 69.74%
in the team championship test giving her a second place.
Two judges from the international panel even singled
her out as the winner of the class. In the individual
finals 68.39% placed her fourth. "I took too much risk
in the final test, otherwise I could have captured that
first spot. Pithy, I will have to
wait a little longer," she said. After Munster Herrzas
will enjoy a period of relaxation. "I'm reducing his
training again as the show season will still be very
long," Véronique explained.
The season will indeed be long and one can only hope
that the pair is going to accumulate their power and
presence at international shows, in order to realise
a team or even an individual medal at the 2000 European
Championships in Hartpury, England.
Related Links
Belgian FEI Rider Profile: Véronique
de Baecker
Verreet and De Baecker on top in Mechelen
Young Riders excel in Ksiaz
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