2005 IDRC General Assembly at Schafthof in Germany

September 13, 2005

The Internatonal Dressage Riders Club (IDRC) held its annual general assembly at Ann Kathrin Linsenhoff's Schafthof in Kronberg, Germany, July 18, 2005. .A summary of the discussions and decisions taken follows:


Richard Davison (RD) reported on the FEI General Assembly held in London: he explained that the proposal of three riders per team at the Olympic Games had been accepted in principle by the General Assembly. He said that there had been a lack of information when the decision was taken. The vote he said, had been taken on the proposal without proper discussion or information on the various options. Michael Stone (MS) informed those present that the reason for three in a team was that only three riders could go forward into the Grand Prix Special, the individual competition.

There followed a general discussion about the issue of three riders per team at the OG:

Margit Otto-Crépin (MOC) said that she was concerned by the probable lack of quality and the need to maintain the current quota of 50 riders.

MS responded by saying that the IOC is only concerned about the overall quota for equestrian sports. An important consideration is the fact that NFs are often more prepared to fund teams but not individuals and therefore the new system should stimulate the sport in those countries.

MS confirmed that reserve combinations would have to be paid for by the NOCs.

MS advised the IDRC to use the results of Aachen in order to check whether or not the quota of 50 riders would be fulfilled. If not, it may be necessary to review the proposal.

In general, MS informed members that the IDRC should place more pressure on decision-making bodies and he guaranteed a response from the FEI to any queries raised by the IDRC.

RD criticised the structure of the Dressage Committee as it consisted of four judges and only one rider and trainer respectively.

MS responded by saying that FEI structures would be changed in the near future: there would be more opportunities for riders to get involved in the decision-making bodies. He acknowledged that the FEI had to work more quickly and consistently. More power would be given to National Federations with all proposals for change going to NFs for approval. All the technical committees would lose their authority and they would only be able to make recommendations. The Bureau would have a riders’ representative.

MS stated that Dressage riders would have to become much more involved in the politics of sport and said that hopefully the new structures would come into effect in 2006


Günther Seidel (GS) reported on the Sub-Committee (SC) meeting in Las Vegas and advised that the SC agreed to recommend the following items and changes to the Dressage Committee:

  • the SC would in future be called “working group”, as it had no official decision-making power
  • the zigzag rule was altered (refer to the rules revision 2006)
  • the hat in hand rule was amended (refer to the rules revision 2006)
  • a minimum qualification score of 55% in the Grand Prix would be required in order to compete in the GPS or Kür
  • the minimum age of horses for the Prix St Georges would be raised to 7 years and to 8 years for Grand Prix horses
  • the IDRC was requested to make a proposal for the “happy athlete” award but had declined to do so
  • the regulations for warming up areas and stewarding would be revised.


Pia Laus-Schneider (PLS) reported on the Dressage Committee meeting in London:

She stated that the same items mentioned by GS in relation to the Sub-committee meeting had also been raised during the DC meeting.

Dr Vincenzo Truppa attended the meeting for the first time as the new member.

PLS mentioned that the World Cup Final 2006 would be held in Amsterdam and the 2007 Final in Las Vegas.

PLS confirmed that riders who have a chance of qualifying for the World Cup Final would have the right to compete at the last World Cup qualifying event.

PLS referred to the world ranking list and informed those present that the committee agreed that the list should be based on horse/rider combination scores. The would be a points system with percentage scores being converted into points.

PLS confirmed that at FEI championship events the teams would consist of four rider/horse combinations.

She referred to the possibility of awarding more than one individual medal at FEI championships. The following proposal had been agreed (and would be presented to the FEI Bureau for approval): team medals would be awarded to the winners of the Grand Prix; with the scores starting at zero for the Grand Prix Special the winners of this competition would receive individual medals; beginning again at zero for the Grand Prix Freestyle the winners of the Freestyle would be awarded individual medals.

PLS informed members that the 2007 European Championships would be held in Italy.

She advised members that the FEI Free Style Guidelines for Judges were available on the FEI website.

Finally, PLS stated that the new Junior tests would be finally approved at next meeting to be held later in the year at Aachen.


MOC reported on the Veterinary Committee meeting held in Paris as follows:

  • it was the first time that a riders’ representative had been invited to a Veterinary Committee meeting
  • MOC informed members that the second horse inspection had been reinstated for Dressage
  • She referred members to the new medication rules that were decided upon
  • The committee had agreed that tests should be speeded up; the B- sample would be analysed at the same laboratory as the A-sample
  • MOC stated that the task force work which had been done was very interesting and important. She was of the opinion that a member of the task force and/or of the Veterinary Committee should be invited to the next GA of the IDRC.

MS advised members that riders would not be disqualified for food contamination. If food is provided by the organiser, he advised riders to take a sample of the food in case of contamination.


The IDRC Financial Report as prepared by IDRC Treasurer, Jaques Albeck (JA) can be requested at the IDRC.


MOC informed members that WEG Aachen 2006 had a total dressage prize money of € 208.000,-. She stated further that there was still NO agreement between the IDRC and the AIDEO concerning the prize money for other forthcoming FEI championships.

MOC stated that it was often the case at World Cup events that Dressage subsidised the Jumping. It was agreed that the IDRC had to be stronger on the issue of prize money and send another letter directly to the FEI. The IDRC should also insist that organisers provide good conditions for horses in particular at World Cup Finals (i.e. flights, footing, stables, etc.)


As far as the World Ranking List was concerned, MS recommended that an IDRC board member go to FEI headquarters in Lausanne in order to study and compare ranking list simulations with Eva Salomon, FEI Manager of Dressage.


The tests would be finally approved at the Dressage Committee meeting in Aachen.


No IDTC representative attended the meeting (as the IDTC General Assembly clashed with the IDRC General Assembly).


No AIDEO representative attended the meeting.


Proposals for changes to the FEI structures would be sent out to National Federations on 16 September 2005. The IDRC would have to write to the “steering group” of the FEI (Mr Freddy Serpieri, Mr Guillherme Sarmento, Mr Frank Schreve) if there were any comments concerning the new structure of the FEI.


The members discussed the situation regarding the rule forbidding the carrying of a whip in the arena. MOC referred to the IDRC proposal for a change to the rule which had been rejected by the Dressage Committee. MS stated that he wished to bring this matter forward at the next Executive Board meeting which would be held on 25 July at San Patrignano (ITA).

The members also discussed the issue of FEI stewarding. In general the riders present made a request to MS for more stewards to be made available at FEI events. Mr Jacques van Daele (FEI Steward General) would also be invited to the next IDRC General Assembly. Members were reminded that no smoking was permitted in the stables!

RD asked if the IDRC website could be used to get reaction from members regarding topical issues. For example it had been suggested to him that horses be allowed white bandages for use in competition. This was from a horse welfare standpoint and it would be useful to gain opinion on such a matter. JA said he would look into the technology to whether or not it would be possible.

It was requested that Mr Beder (from German TV) be invited to the next IDRC General Assembly.

It was agreed that the IDRC should have a stand or meeting point at the 2006 WEG.

Finally it was agreed to invite MS to every General Assembly in the future.


The date of the next meeting would be decided in due course. It was agreed that a fixed date at the end of outdoor season should be found and that the meetings should be held at Schafhof.

Approved by : Date: 25 August 2005 Mrs Margit Otto-Crépin President IDRC

Photo copyrighted: Astrid Appels

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