Dressage News
Birgitt van
der Eyken Resigns As Dutch Pony Chef d'Equipe
Dressage Pony Team Chef d'equipe Birgitt van Eyken has
suddenly resigned from her position for personal reasons.
The Dutch Equestrian Federation's Guidance Commission
has assigned Adriaan Harmoen as substitute.
Harmoen will assist riders and parents during the remaining
selection period and at the European Pony Championshims
in Vejer de la Frontera, Spain, which take place July
23-29, 2001.
Using Van der Eyken's evaluation notes and selection
scores, the following combinations are selected for
the A-frame: Ashley Biesmans with Basalt, Linda Drevijn
with Nadir's Gigolo, Kristel Frencken with Spooky, Iris
Mensink with Pepper, Inge Verbeek with Hogewalds Sultan
and Cupkeshof Winobert, Andrea Villaverde with Condor
and Palermo.
The final four for the team will be selected out of
this group after the Harley World Dressage Trophy during
Champion Gelderland inArnhem and two clinics with O-judge
Jan Peeters.
Related Link:
Birgitt van der Eyken,
New Dressage Pony Team Chef D'Equipe
Image copyrighted: Arnd