Dressage News
Johan Rockx' Surprise Act in Ksiaz, Poland
Dutch dressage rider Johan Rockx was the jack-in-the-box
at the international dressage competition in Ksiaz,
Poland. Making his Grand Prix debut on the Dutch warmblood
gelding Kondor, Rockx placed second twice behind the
experienced Russian rider Nina Menkova on the Russian
Trakehner Post.
Even though the trip to Poland took 25 hours trip,
Kondor was fresh as a bird and scored 65,95% in his
first test, the Intermediaire II. In the Grand Prix
Rockx, who runs a dressage barn in Belgium with his
wife Penny Zavitz, settled for a third spot with a 66,60%
test. Kondor pushed up the score to the magical seventies
in the freestyle. With 72,66% Rockx placed second again
behind Menkova and immediately attracked international
interest in his bay Aram gelding.