FEI Dressage News

Summary from Dressage Task Force Meeting - 21 - 22 April 2009 in Lausanne

April 26, 2009

EkwadorTask 1 and 2. Presentations were received from experts from the sports of Ice Skating and Gymnastics regarding their judging systems. These models were extremely educational and the DTF feel that it is important to look at these models in order to modify and modernise the judging of dressage.

Task 3. The DTF discussed various options relating to the Olympic formula. These proposals will be presented in the final report to the Bureau. The Sports Director will keep the Task Force informed concerning developments relating to 2012.

Task 4. The qualification process for the Olympic Games (together with other major Championships) will be reviewed in the Summer once the relevant papers have been received from the IOC.

Task 5. The DTF is communicating with the Nominations Committee relating to the future makeup of the Dressage Committee. This will be in line with the statutes, as was strongly supported by the NFs and the Nominations Committee prior to the recent Bureau meeting. The Secretary General briefed the Task Force on the evolving governance framework and the roles of Technical Committees, the Nominations Committee, the Bureau and Headquarters in the democratic process that leads to election and appointment of committee members.

World Cup Rules 2009/2010. Some amendments, based on feedback from National Federations, have been made to the World Cup Rules, which will be sent to the FEI Bureau for approval

World Cup Finals. There was discussion about the World Cup final allocation for 2011 and 2012. The final allocation will be decided by the Bureau in mid May.

Dressage Rules revisions. The Task Force were informed that the only rules revisions that will be allowed for this year are where there are urgent operational reasons. This is because there was a major rules revision last year.

Dressage Judges Education. Dr Harald Muller discussed the education system that he is working on. The aim now is to get the system moving forwards as soon as possible so that it can be put in place in 2010.

Dr David Stickland gave a presentation concerning tools to improve judge training and education involving statistical analysis. It was felt that this will be an excellent tool to combine with the work that is being done by the Task Force.

The Dressage Task Force will continue their work and keep Stakeholders informed of their progress.

Related Links
FEI Bureau Discards Dressage Task Force Olympic Proposals
FEI Dressage Task Force Sends Proposal to National Federations
FEI Dressage Task Force Meeting Note

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