FEI Dressage News

FEI Dressage Task Force: Finalised Membership and Terms of Reference

December 9, 2008

Katharina WustAlthough published earlier on Eurodressage, the FEI has now released the finalised membership of the FEI Dressage Task Force. The Task Force includes:

  • Frank Kemperman (NED), chairman and representative of the event organisers;
  • Richard Davison (GBR), riders representative;
  • Robert Dover (USA), trainers representative;
  • Alain Francqueville (FRA), chef d’équipe
  • Katrina Wuest (GER),  judges representative;
  • Elizabeth Max-Theurer (AUT), owners representative

The aim of having this representation is to enable the key stakeholder groups to feed into the process and for task force representatives to communicate with stakeholders as appropriate during the year.

The FEI Dressage Task Force has been given the following brief by the Bureau:

  1. review the issues surrounding the very significant area of the training and development, assessment and selection of judges for major championships and Olympic Games; review as part of this development of randomised/ computerised judge selection process;
  2. the fitness for purpose of the method of judging Dressage competitions needs thorough review – both in terms of the number of judges, their positioning and the judging process;
  3. following significant feedback from NFs, it is clear that the decision to move from four to three riders in a team is not universally accepted as the best for the sport and this therefore needs reviewing;
  4. the system for qualification for Championships, and the receipt of Certificates of Capability for Championships, World Cups, and the Olympic Games;
  5. review the consultation process within Dressage and how it affects the structure of the committee going forward to ensure maximum involvement by the key stakeholders both internal to the sport and external within the greater sporting/ Olympic/ Paralympic environment.

The FEI Dressage Task Force will operate for one year and produce an interim report to the Bureau at its March/April meeting. It is foreseen that during the course of the next year, the process of seeking candidacies for the Dressage Standing Committee could take place as usual, with NFs submitting candidacies through the Nominations Committee, and that the members of the FEI Dressage Task Force will be able to seek to serve on the Standing Committee in the future.

During the course of the year the Dressage Director may refer ongoing Dressage matters to the FEI Dressage Task Force for feedback and advice.

Related Links
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Truppa, Schüle, Theodorescu Announce Resignation at CDI Stuttgart
IDTC Supports Ad Hoc Working Group
Ad Hoc Working Group to Form New FEI Dressage Committee

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