FEI Dressage News

Spanish Equestrian Federation Opposes Haya's Request for Resignation FEI Dressage Committee, IDTC In Favour

November 9, 2008

Spanish Andalusian horseIn view of the situation that has arisen from Princess Haya's request for the resignation of the members of the FEI Dressage Committee, the President of the Spanish Equestrian Federation (RFHE), Javier Revuelta del Peral (a former Spanish Olympic eventing rider), sent the following statement to the President of the FEI, its General Secretary and the Group I and II Federations:

“Regarding the petition for the resignation of the FEI Dressage Committee issued by the
Executive Board, leaving aside the motives and reasons made public both by the
President of the FEI as well as the Committee, the RFHE thinks it fundamental to remind
that the FEI is a democratic institution, with internal functioning rules duly approved by the
different bodies, that determine at all times the way its members must proceed.

Based on this, since the capacity to propose, designate and remove members of
committees is a prerogative of the FEI’s General Assembly & the Bureau’s, it is before
these two bodies, and not in other forums, where the petition at hand needs to be
presented; therefore our federation can not agree with the decision made public by the
Executive Board.

In any case, due to the importance of the matter, we requested that it is addressed at the
meeting of the Assembly in Buenos Aires, as well as in the previous leading-up sessions of
the working groups”

The International Dressage Trainers Club has also taken a stand in the current debate and is in favour of a new committee. The IDTC wrote that it "regrets the fact and the public nature of the current controversy surrounding the FEI Dressage Committee. However, the IDTC has long held the belief that the current composition of the FEI Dressage Committee does not reflect the interest of all stakeholders. Therefore we hope that the current situation is seen as an opportunity to restructure the administration of dressage affairs within the FEI to be fully representative of the interests of all stakeholders, riders, trainers, judges, chef d’equipes, organisers and developing countries. Now is the time for the dressage community to unite and focus on the long term interest of our sport."

Related Links
War of the Worlds: National Equestrian Federation Take Standpoint on Haya's Request for Resignation of FEI Dressage Committee
Mariette Withages, Chair of FEI Dressage Committee, Replies
FEI President Princess Haya Asks for Resignation FEI Dressage Committee

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