Dressage News:
European Pony
Championships 2000
European Pony Championships of the year 2000 will set
its fair ground on the premises of Ullrich Kasselmann
in Hagen, Germany, for Europe's best pony riders. The
organisation expects more than 60,000 visitors and 300,000
viewers through the internet for this international
event. The following patrons and sponsors have agreed
to assist in this event: La Exma, Princess Haya of Jordania,
Chancellor Gerhardt Schroeder, Volkswagen, Deutsche
Bank, Nikko, Ozark, Porsche, AMG, Bockmann, Niehoff,
Rio Resorts of Las Vegas
Booked for 27th till 30th July 2000, the competition
will share the show ground with an international pony
camp for which 200 participants are been expected. This
proposition was made by the "Escuele Y Caballo" in order
to reunite students who have equestrianism as main hobby
and in order to fend off drug and alcohol abuse.