News from Down Under
Australian Olympic Dressage Team Announced
The Australian Equestrian Federation has announced
its Olympic Dressage team after careful consideration
with chef d'equipe Clemens Dierks. The selected team
members are Kristy Oatley-Nist with her Hanoverian chestnut
Rosemount Wallstreet (by Weltmeyer), Ricky MacMillan
with her Hanoverian dark bay Crisp (by Consul/T), Rachael
Downs and her chesnut mare Aphrodite, and Mary Hanna
with Limbo.
The Australian horse magazine The Horse Magazine is
furious that the selection committee did not take Rosamund
Ryan and Exellent into account. Ryan became the consecutive
national dressage champion but was not selected after
all. Read what the Horse Magazine has to
say about this