Zealand Dressage News
New Zealand Young Rider Stephanie Tovey to Train
with Wittig
Zealand dressage rider Stephanie Tovey is heading to
Germany in April to train with Isabell Werth's current
coach, Wolfram Wittig. She has been accepted by Wolfram
and Brigitte Wittig to train and help at their stable
in Rahden, Germany. Wolfram Wittig is an established
German Grand Prix rider who was a member of the German
Dressage Commission, besides being an active competitor.
He's instructing Isabell Werth at the dressage stable
of Werth's maecenas, Madeleine Winter-Schulze
Last July 2002, Tovey was part of the New Zealand team
which won the team competition at the Australian National
Young Rider Dressage Championships in Sydney. Anna Bramley
(Tielcey Allrich) from Albany, Stephanie Tovey (Dominik
T -- by Dynamit / Distelfink) from Huapai and Hanna
Buckleigh (Shivas Regal) from Waimauku finished on a
total of 81.5 against the Australian team on 63.5. Tovey
was the best scoring Medium Grade rider at the event,
but Australian rules do not allow a rider from a foreign
national federation to win an Australian title.
Stephanie Tovey was nominated for the 2002 Lion Foundation
Junior Sportswoman of the Year Award.
Related Links
Australian Young Rider Championships - Scores
Zealand Equine Online
sire of Dominik T