Canadian Dressage News

Dressage Canada Has a Plan. High Performance Terms of Reference Posted

October 13, 2009

Canadians on the podium at the 2007 Pan American GamesDressage Canada announced that new Terms of Reference for the Dressage Canada High Performance Committee is complete and is now available on the Equine Canada website

In July, the Dressage Canada Board appointed a High Performance Steering Committee—comprised of John Harris, Pauline Bosman, Elizabeth McMullen, Liz Steacie and Karen Pavicic—to review the objectives of High Performance and make recommendations for a revised committee structure and Terms of Reference. On September 16, the Dressage Canada Board accepted the Steering Committee’s recommendations.

The High Performance Steering Committee analyzed the various functions of the High Performance Committee and determined that there were six distinct areas of responsibility. Each of these six areas of responsibility will be the focus of functioning working groups within the new High Performance Committee structure. Populating the High Performance Committee will be a matter of identifying what expertise and skills are required for each of the working groups and identifying individuals with the appropriate knowledge who are interested in assisting with the duties of the specific working group.

The new Technical/Coach Advisor, Robert Dover, will be part of both the criteria working group and team management working group within the High Performance Committee, as the responsibilities of the Dressage Canada Own the Podium Task Force will be integrated under the High Performance Committee umbrella.

Youth High Performance has been identified as one of the six functioning working groups within the High Performance Committee. The aim is to integrate Youth High Performance with Senior High Performance resulting in a consistent foundation and on which to base future growth for both riders and horses while at the same time ensuring that there is a sub-committee within Dressage Canada whose sole focus remains Youth High Performance.

Dressage Canada has asked John Harris and Pauline Bosman, both of whom were members of the High Performance Steering Committee and have significant past experience with high performance issues and responsibilities, to commence the work of the new High Performance Committee for the balance of 2009, including implementing the new working groups structure. In 2010, the new High Performance Committee will elect a chair.

Ashley Holzer and Jacqueline Brooks“These are exciting times for dressage in Canada,” said Sue Rothgeb, the chair of Dressage Canada. “With the new Terms of Reference we will have more participation from the whole of the dressage community. With the Technical/Coach Advisor in place we can now build a program that will carry us into the future.”

“The Steering Committee did a great job of getting to the essence of what is needed for us to go forward. We discussed terms but also obstacles and issues that might become roadblocks,” added John Harris. “We were pleased to see that the Dressage Canada Board took our concerns seriously and dealt with them as recommended. With the new Technical/Coach Advisor, Dressage Canada has an opportunity to refocus, regroup, and go forward.”

The Dressage Canada Board would like to thank all the members of the High Performance Steering Committee for all their time and expertise in creating the committee structure and revising the Terms of Reference. The High Performance steering committee is now dissolved; although, some of the members may be asked to volunteer for the new High Performance committee.

Photos copyright: D. Pavicic - Mary Phelps/

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