2009 Danish Warmblood Stallion Licensing
X-Factor Event at 2009 Danish Warmblood Stallion Licensing
February 2, 2009
Perhaps you will become one of the fortunate few, who will get in the saddle on one of Andreas Helgstrand or Andreas Schou’s Grand Prix prospects! The two reigning National Dressage and Jumping Champions have joined forces to deliver tremendous entertainment in a special event Thursday night at the 2009 Danish Warmblood Stallion Show in Herning.
Bring your riding clothes!
Thursday night a joint clinic with two of Denmark's national team members, Andreas Helgstrand and Andreas Schou, will present true X-factor in a presumably crammed arena B in Herning. The two leading riders of the equestrian disciplines dressage and show jumping will perform a different and quite entertaining programme for the audience.
- Four persons in the audience will be given the opportunity of riding our horses, explains Andreas Helgstrand with enthusiasm and continues, - we believe this to become very challenging and entertaining.
The selected spectators, who are fortunate to get this opportunity of jumping one of Schou's show jumpers or performing dressage exercises on one of Helgstrand's dressage horses, will at the same time receive help and guidance riding the horses just like a regular jumping or dressage lesson.
In order to audition with Andreas Schou or Andreas Helgstrand it is important to register at the entrance and also wear riding clothes.
High Level Educational Entertainment
The two riders are known for being able to entertain with a high level of educational value along with funny and remarkable comments.
- We will present some of our promising prospects as well as horses ready for S level, Andreas Schou explains, - and talk about our training and management philosophies for horses schooling for Grand Prix.
The two Danish National Champions have decided not to reveal too much of the programme for Thursday night in Herning, but it will without doubt be grand entertainment with a highly educational twist.
The vendor exhibition "Hest & Rytter" will open its doors Thursday night at 5 p.m. No entrance fee. The special event featuring Andreas Helgstrand and Andreas Schou starts at 8 p.m. in building B, which is the big round arena. Tickets for the special event are DKK 200. Tickets are available at the Danish Warmblood website www.varmblod.dk and any remaining tickets will be available at the entrance.
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