Columnists - Wayne Channon
Is Judging Corrupt or Just Inaccurate?
November 12, 2007
Even at the top of the sport, we all complain about
bad judging. We think that judges decide that we are
a “64% or a sub 70% combination” or that
they somehow predetermine what our score will be no
matter how well we do (part of me thinks there may
be a grain of truth in this – even if it is only
subconsciously done). Or that if we are famous, or
the most famous at the show at least, that we will
be rewarded with a better mark. Is this true? Or is
it just that our current marking system is archaic
and inaccurate?
Personally, I believe the current system
is anachronistic. It makes us like look a model T-Ford
in a world of
Porsches. Look at the scores in figure-skating or gymnastics
where they regularly score near excellence ie our equivalent
of a 10. The FEI Dressage Committee may not have recognised
this problem but it needs to fix it – now!
The current
It does not only affect the riders at the top of the
sport it has just as big an effect on the everyday
dressage competitor.
For example, take a rider that
achieved a solid 62% to 64% all year. Over the winter
she makes considerable
improvement only to find that she is still “rewarded” with
62% to 63%! How can this be?
To understand this, we have
to look at how judges judge according to the current
marking system. Take
a normal horse, ie one that has basic paces for a 6
or a 7 or somewhere in between. Few have movement for
a 5 or less or for more than a 7. So when a judge looks
at a combination they start on a “this is a 6
or a 7 trot or canter” and move up or down on
how well each movement is performed.
Now look a little
more closely at what happens. Let’s
say that the horse has a trot for a 6.4 – or
64%. With the current system, all of its marks will
start on a 6 – yes, 60% – it has to be
rounded down to a 6! If it moved for a 6.6 (only 2%
better) it would start on a 7 or 70%. A 10% difference!!!
mark what they see
The truth is that the judges judge what they see but
have to mark within the system. Even the judges can
see that there is little between the horses but in
our system it is 10%.
The solution is simple, judges need to give half marks.
For example, they could give a 5.5 or a 6 or a 6.5
or a 7. With this small improvement they will be able
to reward much more accurately.
Wider issues
The impact of such a gross marking system is even
more profound than at first appears:
- Significant progress is not rewarded– as
in the example above, even two horses that
are only 2% apart can be judged a 10% difference.
- So how accurate is the final mark? When you
get a final score of 66.2% this should come with
a degree
of accuracy ie 66% + or – 2% (in maths, these
are called error bars and they tell you that the final
result you get is not an exact number just an approximation).
Again, take our theoretical rider on 65%. If she is
rounded down by the judge, it will be a 60% test so
the whole test could be 5% lower than her “real” score
of 65%. If she is rounded up it will be a 70% test
ie 5% higher than her real score. So in this extreme
case, the score should be 65% + or – 5%. In
reality, the difference is probably only 1% or 2%
but that still
makes our scoring system inadequate when the winner
can win by a very theoretical 0.001%.
- Having more judges
around the arena does not fix the accuracy – I have heard it said that with
5 judges that they “even out” the score.
What they mean is that some judges give a 6 and some
a 7 so that you can get the “right” average.
This is just not the case. Judges are trained to give
the same score for what they see so in general they
will give the same mark. When they don’t, it
is either because they have a different viewpoint or
they got it wrong. If they got it wrong, then the average
is still not right – two wrongs do not make a
right, even in dressage.
- How accurately can judges judge? Can they do half points or can they do quarter points?
Can they do tenths
of a point? Well, I believe the answer today is that
half-points is very doable. Quarter points is more
difficult (the Dressage Committee should be working
on how we do this) and tenths of a point is just
not possible. In ten years, I believe we will be
the 01% debate or it will be already implemented.
- The
safe 6 would become a safe 6.5. Would a “safe
6” move to a “safe 6.5”? Judges are
often criticised for only giving a 6. A lot of competitors
say they only know how to award a 5, 6 or 7, so most
of the time they end up giving a 6. In my view, they
do not give a “safe 6”, it is the only
mark they can give, at least most of the time. Introducing
the half mark would allow judges to reward performance
more accurately.
- High scores are restricted – in most other
Olympic disciplines, the athletes get close to the
perfect mark. When the non-dressage world looks at
our sport they must think we are so bad at it – even
the best in the world can only get 77%! The half point
could take us 5% closer to excellence.
Half points will dramatically and considerably improve
our sport: it would be more accurate; fairer to the
horse, the rider and the trainer; make for a better
sport; and it will even allow the judges appear more
reasonable and demonstrate their competence.
Dressage Committee needs to examine this in detail
and take action from the top – inaccurate
judging is not the main problem, but the marking system
I would love to know what you think and if you feel
this would help you. Please let me know your view on
this subject at