2nd January 2003 - New
Year Resolutions
likes to wish all its readers a very healthy, happy
and horsey New Year. 2002 was an incredible success
year for the website. Never before have we had so many
visitors, especially during the 2002 World Equestrian
Games coverage. We want to thank all our loyal visitors
and hope that they continue to be satisfied with eurodressage.com
also wants to thank its partners in crime, our wonderful
crew of photographers: Dirk Caremans, Mary Phelps, JJ
Hathaway and Arnd Bronkhorst are the persons who double
the value of this site.
has never feared to take on a controversive attitude
in its editorials. Although this site is about dressage
and breeding, there is more to life than horses. The
problems in our society and world transcend the ego-embellishing
articles of dressage riders and their gorgeous horses.
is, therefore, that I want to write down some New Years
resolutions and personal wishes to take place in 2003.
President Bush, keep your troops out of Iraq and look
at your own country first before attacking another nation.
Your war is based on your family fueled hatred, desire
to rule the world and not an act against terrorism.
China will be the economic capital of the world, not
the U.S.
No oil pumping in Alaska
Prosecute those who are guilty for the biggest ecological
disaster of the year: the sinking of the oil tanker
Prestige, polluting the sea with 70,000 tons of oil.
Say no to the death penalty
Be wise enough to see through the superficial, racist
programme of the Belgian facist party Vlaams Blok when
voting this year for a new parliament in Belgium.
I wish my horse Grace a good health. Thank you Grace
for surviving your colic attack. Didi, many happy days
in the pasture and I hope I can keep giving you as much
love as before.