2003 P.S.I. Auktion: P.S.I. Impressions
Elke Kampmann Finds Consolation in Lots of
December 8, 2003
One of the dozens bidders on Poetin was Elke Kampmann
from Lingen, Germany. Kampmann had her eye on the mare,
but wouldn't spend the outrageous amount of 2.5 million,
so she found consolation in a purchase of the refined
Hanoverian gelding Lots of Fun. Sired by Longchamp
out of a Condor M dam, Lots of Fun has three superb
gaits and especially a breath-taking canter. Lots
of Fun sold for 173,000 €
Elke Kampmann-Arentzen is daughter of
horse breeder Albert Arentzen and married Heinrich
Kampmann in the ninties. Elke trains dressage horses
and runs Gestut Kampmann in
She competes the Grand Prix horse Livinjo and Watussi,
and is trained by Rudolf Zeilinger. Kampmann is a regular
shopper and recently purchased the Westfalian Farwick
in Munster-Handorf.
One Page in the P.S.I. Impressions
Images copyrighted Eurodressage