Equine Elite Auction
The Equine Elite Auction is the newest sport
horse auction in The Netherlands and will take place
at the renowned "Academy"
in Hooge Mierde, on Saturday 29th October 2005, just
day prior
one of the most prestigious international events in
the Netherlands, The Global Dressage Forum.
According to the organizers of the Equine Elite auction,
"the sole purpose of the Equine Elite auction is to
of dressage
regardless of their origin or breeding, that have the
talent and ability to sustain an illustrious Dressage
career, whilst catering to the requirements of both
Amateur and professional riders of all levels. At the
same time the organisors wish to establish an annual
event that captures the essence of the sport in an
unforgettable atmosphere."
The Auction organizers take pride in two facts. All
horses are vetted and approved with no X-rays of lesser
quality than class 2. Furthermore, the collection has
been constituted by a judging panel consisting of
international judges Jan Peters, Ghislaine Fouarge,
Francis Verbeek, dressage riders Laurens van Lieren
and Kebie van der Heijden and horse dealers Diederik
Wigmans and Craig Rawlins.
Horse Collection
Auction Information
- Location:
- The Horse Academy
Koestraat 11
5095BD Hooge Mierde
The Netherlands
- Auction Schedule:
- Wednesday 26th October 2005
18:30 Presentation
of the auction horses under saddle
- Thursday 27th October 2005
09:00 - 17:00 Stables
open for viewing and the possibility to try the
- Friday 28th October 2005
14:00 - 22:00 Stables
open for viewing and the possibility to try the
- Saturday 29th October 2005
09:00 Stables open for viewing and a last chance
to try the auction horses.
14:00 Presentation
of the auction horses under saddle
19:00 Equine Elite Auction
followed by an after-party with live music !!
- Contact Info